Praying is for many of the people we met during this project a daily activity of great personal value and sometimes even social; for others it is a habit without anything transcendent, but that keeps alive the memory with his own land, his own people. We have known the importance of fasting, of abdication, of the word: elements that surround the moment of prayer in the muslim religion.
We met those who practice instead inner search, a silent one and those who search for physical balance; someone needs to give a name to his spiritual guide, others don't. We also met Aladin: a young man who reached Mazzarino shortly before our arrival. We talked together about our trips: he arrived in Italy from Gambia, where he was a fisherman for some years. He showed us videos of his days at sea, fishing with his colleagues and friends and talked about the importance of the songs that the fishermen sing to give rhythm, strength and to call the favor of the sea, for the success of fishing.
We tried to revive these songs; to seek the bond that holds Aladin to his countrymen and the practice that has occupied him for so long in his time, to evoke the sounds of those choirs.
Naogore, directed by Aladin and Progetto Lambda